Organizations that have received grants from the Golden Civic Foundation impact nearly everyone living in Golden and beyond. We are proud of the investments in our community and the significance we’ve all enjoyed because of them.
Scroll down to see all the clubs, schools and other various non-profits who have benefited from the donations.
Bell Middle School – Grant to replace the computer monitors in Bell’s STEM Engineering lab.
CASA of Jefferson and Gilpin Counties – To fund their Fostering Futures Program. Funding will specifically support modest apartment furnishings, costs associated with youth transportation, and costs associated with pro-social activities.
Colorado Cowboy Gathering – Fund performances for their school outreach program.
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative – Pay for the design services and installation cost to wrap the newly acquired, used Toyota Tundra added to their fleet in 2019.
Colorado Mountain Club – Support its Youth Education Program (YEP) at Connections Learning Center and other Golden area schools in 2020.
Colorado Railroad Museum – Help fund infrastructure improvements, including upgraded restrooms and paved walkways.
CSM Alpha Phi Omega – Mu Pi Chapter – Help purchase additional supplies needed for their STEM-based local Jamboree for Outstanding Youngsters (JOY) event in March 2021.
Family Tree – Funds will help Golden residents utilize the Family Tree Homelessness Program.
Foothills Art Center – Establish a new “Artist in Studio” program to provide a working space for a Jeffco art teacher or local artist for two weeks during the summer.
GoFarm – Implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool to allow GoFarm to deepen our impact in Golden by fostering stronger relationships with our partners, customers, and donors.
Golden Backpack Program – Help fund their strategic planning initiative.
Golden Chamber of Commerce – Funds to support and grow the Golden Farmers Market amidst current challenges as well as purchase new office furniture.
Golden Concert Choir – Help the choir purchase its own keyboard for use at their choir retreat and community performances, award five scholarships to choir members who are unable to afford dues as well as cover the cost of some of their music.
Golden Elks Lodge 2740 – To provide winter coats, gloves and school supplies to children in need attending Golden Elementary schools and to provide activities for the children and their families while learning about the Golden Library and obtaining a library card.
Golden Fire Department – Replace outdated and inefficient firefighting helmets for their firefighters.
Golden Giddyup – Funding will help make physical and capital improvements to the Golden Bike Park, including the cost of equipment, building materials, benches and shade structures.
Golden History Museums – Build new, rustic-style cabinetry to hold and hide class materials in the Reynolds Cabin located in the History Park.
Golden Landmarks Association – Funds will help GLA continue restoration, colorization, and printing of the Ronzio and Morrison collections.
Golden Police Department – Help purchase informational material, brochures, and giveaways for the youth at the Golden Police Department’s National Night Out event in August 2020.
Golden Visitors Center – Funding to upgrade their computers.
Jefferson County Library Foundation – Supplies for special events at the Golden Library serving children and teens, as well as supplies and equipment for the Discover Together Early Literacy Learning Environment.
Jefferson Symphony Orchestra – Funds to cover some direct expenses for the Pops in the Park concert on Sunday, August 16, 2020.
Kyffin Elementary School – Help fund the expansion of Kyffin’s MakerSpace to include more opportunities for all of our students, Pre K-5th grade.
Miners Alley Playhouse – Funding to purchase new LED lighting instruments.
Mitchell Elementary School – Partnership grant with the Drake Durkee Foundation that will help fund a community art project, “Leaf,” a Legacy of Kindness, that was spearheaded by Mitchell’s third graders.
Outdoor Lab Foundation – Funds will help offset costs for Golden students to attend the program.
Red Rocks Community College Foundation – Fund one full-tuition scholarship for a student to earn a nonprofit management certificate through RRCC’s Nonprofit Pathway program.
Rotary Club of Golden – Support their mental health initiative in the Golden community.
Shelton Elementary School – Help build their classroom libraries. Their goal is to give each classroom more leveled, high-interest, non-fiction books.