
Golden Civic Foundation’s Traditional Business Loan Program

Thank you for your interest in the Golden Civic Foundation’s (Foundation) Business Loan Program. The Foundation was organized as a 501(c)(3) public foundation in 1970 with a mission to invest in the economic and cultural vitality of the Golden Community. Throughout our history, the Foundation has provided loans to charitable organizations, businesses, and governmental agencies in the City.

The Foundation’s Business Loan Program is intended to complement conventional banking, working in partnership with local banks to provide term loans, many of which do not meet the requirements for traditional financing. This is a great loan choice for new and existing businesses that need between $500 or more in business capital and cannot obtain traditional financing and/or need bridge financing. The loan can be used to start or expand your business including, but not limited to, real estate, working capital, inventory, business acquisitions, tenant improvements, and start-up expenses.


The purpose of each loan must be to advance the charitable purposes of the Foundation and benefit our community of Golden. Funds are loaned only to people, businesses or organizations that are or will be operating in Golden. The Foundation does not make loans to organizations whose primary purpose is to influence legislation or to participate in a political campaign. The following four components comprise an applicant’s loan eligibility for the Foundation’s Business Loan Program:

  1. Be a Golden (Colorado) for-profit business or nonprofit organization.

  2. The business is located in Golden, Colorado.

  3. The applicants have invested equity and personal collateral.

  4. The applicant has exhausted financing options through other traditional sources, such as bank financing.

The Foundation is honored to work with many local, successful, innovative, and community-oriented entrepreneurs and believes that the power of entrepreneurship positively transforms the character of our community of Golden. Please contact us at (303) 279-9169 if you are interested in learning more about our Business Loan Program.

Golden Civic Foundation has been an amazing advocate for me as a small business owner. They stepped up during covid and were able to provide much needed support! In addition, their small business loans are flexible and easy to access. There really are not very many lending resources for small business owners and to know that we have a local resource has been such a gift. In addition, I am always willing to support the Golden Civic Foundation because I know that my donations will go right back into the city that I love!”

Jennifer Thoemke

Chief Connector & Creator, Connect Workspace, Morris & Mae, Cafe 13, Golden Cupcakes