Organizations that have received grants from the Golden Civic Foundation impact nearly everyone living in Golden and beyond. We are proud of the investments in our community and the significance we’ve all enjoyed because of them.
Scroll down to see all the clubs, schools, and other non-profits that have benefited from the donations.
After Prom Committee
American Alpine Club
Bell Middle School
Clear Creek History Park
Colorado Outward Bound School
Colorado Railroad Museum
CSM Geology Museum
Foothills Art Center
Golden Chamber of Commerce
Golden Cutural Alliance
Golden High School
Golden Landmarks Association
Golden Lions Club
Golden Pioneer Museum
Golden Police Department
Golden Urban Renewal Authority
Golden Volunteer Fire Department
Jefferson Symphony Orchestra
Kyffin Elementary School
Leadership Golden Alumni
Mitchell Elementary School
Optimist Club of Golden
Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum
Shelton Elementary School
The Colorado Mountain Club
Welchester Elementary School